Monday, September 8, 2014

7 Beloved Celebrities (Who Turned Around and Spammed Us!)

These are people who tried to cash in on their good standing with the public. Some of them promoted products that turned out to be of value. Some of the promotions were sketchy. Some were downright scams. 

In each case, the person had a level of respect with us, and then turned around and spammed us, and it came as a surprise at the time it happened.

Who knows what would possess someone who is already rich and famous to try and make a quick buck off of us, but it happens. And the real twist, is that these are people you would not expect this sort of thing from. 

So, with that in mind, we'll look at this list of 7 Beloved celebrities who turned around and spammed us:

7. Linda Evans 

"Dynasty" star Linda Evans is our first example of  a celebrity who was well respected, and downright beloved that ended up pitching us a heaping helping of spam. In this case it's a cosmetic product, "Rejuvenique".

Linda played the sweet, innocent "Audra Barkley" in the 1965 hit TV series "The Big Valley". She gained even more fame in the 1981 series "Dynasty" playing the character "Krystle Carrington."

Considered by many to be one of the prettiest actresses of all times, Linda was definitely a good choice for a cosmetic product, although it's kind of surprising that someone like her would end up in an infomercial. How beloved is Linda? Joan Rivers said the following:  Linda Evans "is one of the only people in the business I've never heard anything negative about."

Linda says of the product in the infomercial, “It looks like something out of Phantom of the Opera".

Yes, you could say that. You could also say it looks like something "Jason" from "Friday the 13th" would wear while murdering one of his victims, or that it looks like the perfect thing to wear while robbing a bank. Or if you're into hockey, you could tone your face and play goalie at the same time.

In any event, it's forgive-able, yet hard to believe, such a nice lady would try to spam us this way.

6. Richard Simmons 

In "1980 The Richard Simmons Show" aired, featuring Milton Teagle Simmons, AKA Richard Simmons. During the 4 years of doing the well known show, he built somewhat of a cult following.

Cashing in on his image, he spammed us with "Sweatin' to the Oldies". This one may actually be a good investment if you find Richard motivational. It seems reasonably priced, and you may actually want to listen to 50's music and dance around the living room while watching the video's. I wonder if there's any "Chubby Checker" or "Fats Domino" music involved?

5. Suzanne Somers

How do you say no to a face like this?

                                                 OMG...I had no idea Jack....OMG!

Who could forget Suzanne as "Chrissy", the fizzle headed blonde on "Three's Company", the hit sit-com from the 70's? She instantly became one of Americas dearest and beloved actresses. Today, you can find all kinds of goodies on her website, including her infomercial product, "Thigh Master Gold and Butt Master", (which, judging by looking at Suzanne, probably works pretty darned good).

4. John Ritter

There should be a picture of John in the dictionary under the word "beloved". We thought the world of him. He, Like Suzanne Somers, starred in "Three's Company", and more recently in "8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter."

It was hard to believe seeing him pop up in an infomercial, but there he was selling us on a product called "Where there's a will, there's an A." Catchy name for a product for sure. Just look at the sincerity on his face, as he spammed us with this one. At least the product is of a decent nature, as we would expect. We miss you John.

3. Erik Estrada

Step right up folks and grab yourself some Ocean Shores, Washington property! Hurry Hurry while they last!

Erik Estrada was a big hit back in the day, as "Ponch" on a popular TV show called "Chip's" (California Highway Patrol). Yes, Erik, or "Ponch" was a motorcycle riding police officer. Erik was, and still is, well respected and with good reason-he's basically a good person. He's even helping to fight crime in real life (he's part of an organization that seeks out child porn violators on the internet). However, his infomercials for "Hot Springs Village" are undeniably on the spammy side.

2. Sally Struthers

                                   Nothing spammy to see here, people. Move along!

Sally played Gloria, the daughter of Archie and Edith Bunker on the hugely popular 70's sit-com, "All in the Family". The show was so popular, that all of the important actors and actresses from it were revered by the public. It seems people who worked together in long running shows like this one became just like family to one another. It seemed unlikely that Archie Bunker's daughter, would pitch us a correspondence school, touting "study from home degrees to get a better career" that probably weren't all they were cracked up to be. But, she did just that. Nice lady, spammy infomercial.

1. Tom Bosley

This one hurts. We're talking about Tom Bosley, freaking Richard Cunningham's dad from "Happy Days", one of the greatest TV hits of all times. This show was to TV what the Beatles were to the music industry.
This man was like a dad to the whole freaking world. That's the way he was perceived, and one of the many pieces that fell into place to make the show such a huge hit. When "Howard" showed up on an infomercial for a drop-ship, "work from home" business op, it's hard telling how many folks bought into it because they trusted this guy. In his defense, he may not have understood completely, the nature of the company he was dealing with. See what kind of practices this membership peddling company engages in, and the reactions of people here:

We forgive you, "Mr. Cunningham", and we miss you.

Monday, August 25, 2014

6 Interesting Ways the Batman TV Show Was Better Than the Newer Versions

Batman comics originated in the 1930's, created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane.
The Batman TV series, that first aired in 1966, starred Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as his sidekick Robin. Although there is nothing wrong with the modern version, it just isn't as much like the original comic as the 60's TV series. Here are 6 Interesting ways that the Batman TV show is better than the newer versions, as well as being more like the original comic.

1. The Costumes Are More Colorful, and More Like the Original Comic

The original Batman actually looked like he was part bat and part man. The modern version looks more like he's part doberman pincer, and he has that molded rubber suit, that is obviously not shaped by his actual physique. In general, the costumes worn in the television show looked more like the original comic, and were more colorful. That's not to say that the modern version isn't cool or anything, just less like the original comic.

Batman to Batgirl: I thought we agreed it was your night to babysit Robin?

2. He Had Robin to Help Him Out

Batman: Just keep your butt cheeks pinched together and keep jogging, Robin, we're almost there.
Robin: Oh No! I think it's too late Batman! It feels....wet...Nooooooooo!

The modern Batman goes it alone, which is kind of a bummer. In the older version, it was always "Batman and Robin", the "dynamic duo", the "caped crusaders". Batman with out Robin, is kind of like Jagger without Richards. It's OK, but missing something. Robin appeared early on in the Batman comics, and has been fighting alongside Batman ever since.

3. The Batmobile From the TV Show was Freaking awesome (And just like in the comics, they HAD a "Batmobile")

It was a made over custom hot rod Lincoln, and it rocked. It was perfect. Perfection should never be messed with. Without Robin or the  Batmobile, it hardly seems like Batman at all.
This shows the evolution of the Batmobile, with the version we all know and love showing up in 1966 down at the left front corner:

4. Batgirl 

Batgirl (to Robin): Have a seat over there, sweetie. The grown-ups are talking!

Yes, Batgirl, the character played by Yvonne Craig breathed new life into the series, although she couldn't save it's cancellation from prime time on ABC back in 1968. But who could forget seeing her in that costume? 
According to the story line, Batgirl is Commissioner Gordon's daughter. Alfred, Batman's butler, was the only one who knew her true identity. Which is odd, because she was Batman's partner. Her and Batman never hooked up and had bat babies, which also seems odd, if you think about it. Seriously, you've got a Batman, the alpha male of the show, and a young hotty shows up calling herself Batgirl, dressed in an outfit to match his,(they could have been a set of book ends), and starts fighting crime side by side with him. And they don't become a couple? It's still unclear to this day what Batman's problem was on that one, perhaps he didn't think they'd be compatible? Or maybe it had something to do with Catwoman? Or maybe even Robin? (They did spend a lot of time alone in the Batcave together).
Anyhow, back to how Batgirl helped make the TV series truer to the comic book than the modern version.....
As a crime fighter, and each episode had to have at least one good fight in it, she was just as good as Batman, or any of the other fighters. She wasn't afraid to throw kicks and punches, and when she did, the balloon with the word "Biff", "Pow", or "Boing" would appear, Just like it did for Batman, confirming that she had indeed hit her target. Another cool thing about Batgirl was her purple motorcycle that she rode around through Gotham City on, looking for villains to "Biff-Pow-Boing." 

Yvonne Craig was the perfect actress to play the part of Batgirl. She had a beautiful face, and a sleek, sexy body, and looked really nice in her Bat suit. As Batgirl, she wore a red wig to help hide her true identity. As the commissioner's daughter, she was actually a brunette. Either way, she was hot. She appeared in 26 episodes of Batman. Was she in the comic book as well? 

Yep, she was!

5. The show had humor in it

While the modern Batman saga is serious as hell, the TV show from the 60's had a sense of humor. The writers sometimes made the dynamic duo talk like a couple of dynamic ding-dongs.
Here's an example of the humor, which is so damn idiotic you have to laugh at it:

Bruce: "Yes, Dick, your bird calls are close to perfect. If more people practiced them, someday we might have a chance for real communication with our feathered friends." 
Dick: "In that case I think I'll polish up my ruby-crowned kinglet and my rose-breasted yellow-tailed grouse-beak calls." (Actually from the TV show!)

And the original comic? It had humor, too:

You have to remember, things were different back then. This may be politically incorrect these days, but back then spanking was an acceptable form of discipline. And, well, chauvinism was still rampant. In other words, taken in context, this is an example of humor from the comic.

6. The Villains Were Awesome, and Were Much Like in the Comic Book

Crap! I forgot to let the dog out before I left the house!

Today's kids will never know what they missed, when it comes to the villains from the TV show. Oswald Cobblepot, also known as the Penguin, is quite possibly the most notorious super villain of all times (TV wise, at least). With one possible exception:

Of course, the most beautiful of villains, Julie Newmar as Catwoman, who should have had her own freaking show! In fact, Julie Newmar still looks fantastic after all these years!

So there you have it, 6 good reasons why the old TV series is more enjoyable than the newer movies.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

"Roof-ing Contractor"

Add caption
Roofing contractor and his best friend

Remember "Sea Monkeys" ?

If you grew up during the 60's, 70's, or even the 80's and 90's, there's a good chance you read comic books for entertainment.

And a lot of times, the advertising in the comic books was just as entertaining as the comics themselves.

I recently ran across something that reminded me of such an advertisement. It's a classic.......

                                                   SEA MONKEYS

If you read comic books back in those days, you either remember Sea Monkey advertisements, or should have a brain scan MRI done. They must have been on the back of every single solitary comic book ever printed.

The drawing made them look like little amphibious human like creatures, nude. You may even recall wanting to order Sea Monkeys to see if that was the case, because if it was the case, you'd have your own little nudist colony to look at in a gold fish bowl. Go on, admit it, that's what you were thinking. In fact, they had a special ad for tricking little pervs:

Yep, they had us pegged. We were pretty much expecting something like in the drawings, but what did they send us? This:

Bit of a disappointment if you were expecting miniature amphibious people with legs.

They're called "Brine Shrimp" and they live in salt water lakes, such as the one in Utah. Because these shrimp lay their eggs in cysts, the eggs can dry out, and then hatch once they're placed back into water. You could expect these critters to live for a couple years, with reasonable care. They probably wouldn't have sold many had the artist drawn a picture of a bunch of brine shrimp swimming around in a gold fish bowl.

So, once the initial disappointment of not having a little nudist colony to gawk at wore off, they were actually just a stupid member of the shrimp family that didn't need a heck of a lot of attention. 

"So eager to please"? Seriously, look at the picture of this "pet". It's probably not even aware of you, let alone "eager to please" you. And the part about being able to train them...yeah that's a bit of an exaggeration, maybe someone out there got those things to roll over or play fetch, but it's not likely. 

Seriously though, if anyone out there did train some of these things by all means let us know, we'd be fascinated to hear about it, and video footage would also be appreciated.

And,  BTW, the Sea Monkey kit didn't come with a castle either.

But I'll say this, whoever came up with the idea must have sold a mind boggling amount of those things, because the price just seemed to increase with each new issue of Archie or Richie Rich, or which ever comic book you were getting.
Slight inflation in price:

From $1.25 to $13.95......all during the "comic book era."

"Do not resist"....what do they mean by that? Who could resist brine shrimp anyways?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Little Johnny helps a fellow beach goer

When little Johnny saw the horsefly land on the nice lady, he felt compelled to help her out.

He always was a sweet kid.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Texas Gunslinger's football team (2013 yearbook)

                                         "Slappy" Mcgee with a cheerleader

A moment that will live on in Gunslinger's history forever.  The 'Slinger's had just taken their fifth OWFL (Old West Football Leaugue) Championship and decided to celebrate in town. Slappy, the team's star quarterback,  had a little too much to drink and started getting fresh with one of the cheerleaders (Patsy Purdy) and before anyone knew what was happening, he had taken her across his knee and was spanking her on the bottom with a small metal shovel.

The next day Slappy claimed he didn't remember any of it.

                                    Willy "The wolf" Dillard

One of the best linebackers in OWFL history, Dillard is known for his ability to "sneak" his way through an offensive line and sack quarterbacks. When asked what the trick to developing such a skill is, Dillard replied: "I practice a lot with a flock of sheep. I move nice and slow and quiet so they don't get spooked, then when I get to the middle of the flock, I begin using the sheep for tackling dummies."                      


                                  Vivian Van de Horne

Vivian is the head cheerleader for the Gunslingers although rumor has it she won't be coming back again next season, per management. According to one of the other cheerleaders who wished to remain anonymous, "The woman is an absolute witch. None of us can stand her."


                            Henry "the Vampire" Hodgkins

An all star defensive lineman for the Slingers, Henry "the Vampire" is feared throughout the league for his unique style of aggressive defense. The league commissioner decided the championship would be Henry's last game. When asked why, he had this to say: "We're literally running out of players". Henry's presence on the team will surely be missed, as he all but guaranteed victory for the Slingers each and every Sunday.


                     Mike "The Maniac" McLellan

Mike is considered one of the better offensive tackles in the league. Here we see Mike at a practice session warding off team mate Henry "the Vampire" Hodgkins  with his gun drawn. Henry had managed to begin biting Mike on the shoulder and had made several puncture wounds by the time Mike got his gun out.


                                  George "Big Foot" Bickford

The Slingers got another solid season from their veteran noseguard, "Big Foot" Bickford. Bickford amassed a phenomenal 45 sacks, 253 tackles, and 9 decapitations during the 16 game season. The only problem the team has had with Bickford was keeping him awake while the offense was on the field.


                                                                 "Patch" Wilson

Patch is a veteran wide receiver for the Slingers, and a vital part of the offense. No one is really sure what Patch's real first name is, including Patch, because of all the trauma to the head he's endured from years of running crossing over the middle patterns and getting creamed by opponents deep safeties. But what he's missing in cerebral functioning he more than makes up for with speed. The only downside is that team mates have to frequently guide him to run toward the correct end zone after catching the ball.

More to come......

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

NIne Hilarious Informercials that weren't meant to be Funny

Ah, yes, Infomercials. This stuff is serious business. Sometimes, it's the best thing on TV despite the fact that you probably have over 600 channels to choose from.

We either find ourselves tempted to buy the crap, or crap our pants just to think they expect us to buy their products. And speaking of crap, let's take a look at this infomercial product:

1. The Comfort Wipe 

Is this a shitty product?

(The look on this guys face is killing me here:)

Pretty darned good chance. Then again, if we can make toothbrushes for hard to reach places, why not this thing? Makes the perfect stocking stuffer.

Learn more about this incredible product in this video:

2.Uro Club

Ever been in the middle of a round of golf when it occurred to you that you were on the verge of pissing your pants? Sure, we've all been there. Well, we've got great news for you! Introducing the Uro Club!

Yes folks, the Uro Club is the original secret weapon for any male golfer, and provides you with a convenient, (cough) discrete way to empty your bladder right in the middle of the golf course, without violating any public exposure laws (when done correctly). People will assume you are simply washing your balls (golf) under that towel thingy there, and will have no idea you're actually taking a piss. Or, sway a little and make it look like you're taking a practice swing. You probably do that already when you pee, right?

Perfect gift for dad. One size fits all.
magine, giving the appearance of taking a practice swing, while both privately and confidentially, you are able to relieve yourself without any embarrassment! Floyd E. Seskin,M.D.

3. The Tiddy Bear  

Lions and Tigers and "Tiddy Bears"-Oh my!  

The Tiddy Bear, (not to be confused with the "Teddy Bear") was designed to keep the seat belt from digging into your shoulder and chest. It's cute and soft, and it's hard to believe people buy these things but evidently they do. The product is real, and the infomercial, well, it's downright hysterical.

Oddly enough, the Tiddy Bear averages 3 stars from reviewers on Amazon. One reviewer had this to say about the Tiddy Bear:

"I am the wrong heighth for seat belts in our SUV. Now I find that most women have problems with seat belts cutting across their upper body. The constant pressure and rubbing up/down of the belts can cause serious problems for women's health. I not only have two of these in our car, but I have given them to all the women in our family. The latest purchase is for a niece that just got a new car. They are very reasonably priced, very practical, and cute. What more could anyone want?"

What more could anyone want? Besides the Tiddy Bear? Once you get the Tiddy Bear, that's it, you won't be wanting anything else ever. The damn thing will complete you. You won't even need your significant other at that point, that's how awesome this thing is. No more romantic fantasies, or wishing you could win the lottery, your Tiddy Bear will bring you a sense of fulfillment you never dreamed possible. Seriously, I would never joke about something like the Tiddy Bear.

Order two, and they'll ship you a pair of these "bear tiddy" thingies.

4. Aspray

Man, it's a good thing somebody invented this product. Now you can eliminate odors coming from places other than your armpits. The product is designed to stop odors before they start. And if you call now they'll double your order, so it's a good time to stock up. Lord knows you'll be using a ton of this stuff.

5. Cheers to You!

Wow, this one makes the perfect gift! Just think how thrilled your friends or relatives would be to receive this awesome collection of "cheering audience" sound effects!

Yes, that's right, we all crave to hear cheering audience sound effects, overdubbed with a goofy sounding voice saying things like "Hoooooooorrrray for you!"

A great product to use when:
Toilette training your child
Someone frigs up
Someone does something really terrific...or better yet when they ramble on and on about having done something terrific
You've accomplished something great
You're trying to accomplish something great

Better grab one of these quickly before they're all gone! No, Really!



True, we should never stick anything smaller than an elbow in our ear canals. When using Q-tips, we should be very careful to clean just the outer ear leading to the ear canal. We've all heard it, but none of us do it. Basically we use common sense not to drive the Q-tip through the ear drum. Then again, when's the last time you heard of someone being rushed to the emergency room because of an ear cleaning accident?

Turns out we don't need to clean our inner ears anyhow:
According to Dr. Rob Hicks. The inner ear has it's own system for staying clean.

That's good news, too, because it also means we don't need to waste any money on this foolish product!

7. GLH spray on hair

Ronco Strikes again! (Only they usually have good products). 

Now people with bald spots have a cheap alternative to expensive surgery, or ridiculous looking toupees. The product is a spray powder that builds on itself to cover bald spots, and it doesn't rinse off. (so be careful not to get any on your face, or you may end up needing to spray on a beard and mustache as well.)

Is this Saddam Hussein?

Looks like this guy tried regular spray paint to see if it would do the same thing as GLH.

8. Life Call

The life call commercial was never meant to be funny, and the subject matter certainly isn't. But it made us laugh pretty good when it came out. Perhaps because the old lady that says "I've fallen and can't get up" reminds us of our own grandmother, trying to act in a TV commercial?

I've Fallen, and I can't get up!

9. Top Charming by Winarco

Nothing says "I love you" more than a Chinese breast vibrator!

It's the perfect gift for her on her birthday, valentines day, mother's day, Christmas, 
or any old day just because!

 You can see how it works here:

10. The "Potty Putter"

This is beyond words, it's so awesome. I'm almost speechless:

They say you can become an expert at anything if you give it 15 minutes a day. No doubt you'll become a world class "putter" in no time flat with this thing. Beats reading the newspaper here hands down. What golfer wouldn't be thrilled with this thing? You'll be the envy of every house guest that uses your toilette!

My only question is, why didn't they call it the "Shit'n shoot" ?